Cash Bids
Quotes are delayed, as of February 10, 2025, 02:21:46 AM CST or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time. Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted. InsideFutures Commentary
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Wheat Closes the Week with Weakness -
The wheat complex posted losses on the Friday session. Chicago SRW futures were down 3 to 5 cents in the nearbys on the day, with March up 23 ¼ Cotton Heads into the Weekend on a Lower Note -Cotton futures posted nearby losses of 40 to 41 points on Friday, with March down 25 points on the back and forth week. The outside markets were Corn Bulls Take Some Risk Off Heading into the Weekend -Corn futures were feeling pressure on Friday, with losses of 3 to 8 cents, as the front months took the brunt of the hit. March still held the gains Soybeans Fall on Friday -Soybeans were to lower trade on Friday, with losses of 8 to 11 cents in most front months. Nearby March was up 7 ½ cents on the week despite the Hogs Posts Gains on Friday -Lean hog futures closed with contracts up 20 to 60 cents on Friday, as February was up $3.07 on the week. The national average base hog negotiated Cattle Close Mixed on Friday -Live cattle futures closed steady to 30 cents higher across the nearbys on Friday, with February down $3.825 this week. Cash trade was reported at Full commentary... |